Friday, July 31, 2015

Pork Fried Rice

Fried Rice is one of my favorite things to cook whenever I have leftover rice. You can add just about anything in the pantry to it, and it works. I found some sliced pork at the local market, and since I had everything else, decided to whip up some PORK FRIED RICE with some Asparagus I had on hand. Asparagus is not a very common ingredient in Fried Rice, but again, it's the kind of platform you can use to use up any produce that's going to expire.

Leftover Rice
Sliced Pork
Soy Sauce
1 Egg
Vegetable Oil
Frozen Peas and Carrots

The first thing you want to do is dice your pork. In this case I got pre-sliced pork from the store.

Since it's already pre-sliced, to dice it all you have to do it cut into strips one direction.

 Then cut it in the opposite direction.

The reason we start with the pork, is so we have at least 15-20 minutes to let it marinade in some soy sauce with salt and pepper.

Next I prepare my asparagus by washing it off, then cutting off the miss-colored ends of the stalks.

 Then simply chop it into small pieces.

Next add a little bit of vegetable oil to a pan and let it heat up.

Once your oil is heated, crack an egg into the pan.

We're not making breakfast here, so feel free to brake up the egg with a spoon. The reason I don't beat the eggs first is because I like a little color variation, and this way when we're done, we'll have little bits of white and yellow cooked egg.

Very lightly scramble the eggs.

But remove them before they are completely cooked all the way.

You can use the same pan, but be sure to wipe it clean first so nothing sticks.

Add more oil to the pan over medium heat.

Add the diced and marinated pork (as long as it has at least 10 -15 minutes to marinate. You can also marinate it overnight).

Cook the pork until it is starting to brown. 


Then grab your leftover rice and add it to the pan on top of the pork. Note - for some reason leftover or day old rice works better in this dish than freshly made rice.

Add the diced Asparagus and some Green Peas and Diced Carrots. Frozen peas & carrots are the ONLY frozen vegetables I keep on hand, but they work perfectly in Fried Rice.

Once the rice, peas, carrots and asparagus have had some time to cook and the rice starts to crisp, douse the pan with 2-4 tablespoons of Soy Sauce, add a pinch of salt and pepper, and cook for an additional couple minutes stirring frequently.

Turn the heat down to low and add the mostly cooked egg.

Use a spoon or spatula to break up the egg into tiny pieces.

Once the egg is broken up, the dish is ready to serve.

You can do this same dish with chicken, shrimp, beef, or omit the meat altogether. It makes a great side or main course. If you made too much, you can also freeze individual portions in tupperware. 


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